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The rose hip, also known as rose haw or rose hep, is the fruit accessory of various rose plant species. Typically ranging from red to orange, some species may exhibit dark purple to black hues. Forming after the pollination of flowers during spring or early summer, rose hips mature from late summer through autumn.

Propagation of roses involves extracting the achenes containing seeds from the hypanthium (the outer coating) of rose hips and sowing them just below the soil surface. Germination can take several months, with many species requiring a chilling period, known as stratification. For instance, Rosa canina may only germinate after experiencing two winter chill periods.

Rose hips find applications in a wide array of culinary and beverage products, including bread, pies, jams, jellies, marmalades, syrups, soups, teas, wines, and other beverages. When consumed raw, precautions must be taken to avoid the hairs inside the fruit, which are sometimes used as itching powder. Certain rose species, such as Rosa moyesii and Rosa macrophylla 'Master Hugh,' are cultivated for the ornamental value of their hips.

In addition to culinary uses, rose hips are a common ingredient in herbal teas, often blended with hibiscus. Oil extracted from rose hip seeds is also utilized. Various cultural cuisines incorporate rose hips, such as the popular Swedish dish nyponsoppa (rose hip soup) and the traditional Hungarian pálinka (fruit brandy). Cockta, the national soft drink of Slovenia, also features rose hips prominently.

Furthermore, dried rose hips are marketed for crafting and home fragrance purposes. In the Inupiat culture, rose hips are mixed with wild redcurrants and highbush cranberries, boiled into a syrup, and used in various culinary preparations.

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